How to split a single order?
- Click the more icon ⋮
- Choose Split
- In the map dialog
- Choose between splitting by Cluster or Zone compilation
- Optionally: “add first stop as pickup” to each cluster
- Optionally: adapt the clusters by deleting/editing/drawing polygons directly on the map
- In the settings dialog
- Optionally: change the customer for the resulting (split) orders
- Optionally: optimize each of the clusters
- Optionally: trash the original order
How to merge two or more orders?
- Select at least 2 orders
- Click the more icon ⋮(of the multi-items action bar)
- Choose
- The merged order is shown in a new dialog
- On Save: optionally trash the originally selected orders
Hi, in this video, I want to show how to split and merge orders. Therefore, I switch to a dispatch panel where I’ve prepared an order with 17 stops, 12 plus 5, and let’s have a look on the map. They are scattered across Hamburg. Yes. And I want to split them in different jobs to be able to dispatch them to different writers.
So I choose more and the split option you find here. What you can see is that Lobo automatically has chosen three clusters to split this job in three clusters, but you can dynamically change this number of clusters and you see this will adapt accordingly. You have also an option to finally add the first stop as pickup address to each cluster.
So I want to pick this. So you see the, the pickup address here is removed from the map as it will be added to each of these clusters. If you’re not happy with the automatic clustering, you can also change this manually. So what I’m going to do is I gonna delete this. She will be gone. Be sure to click save.
And then I’ll draw achievable gone around these stops. You can end with pointing at the first corner and an another one here. So I’ve split this manually into two clusters and let’s see what happens if we click next. Here you have the options to change the customer for each of these orders. I don’t want to do that at the moment
You can opt to optimize the route for each resulting clusters and to trash the original order. I don’t want to do that because I want to use it once again. And if I click split, I’ll have to wait for the optimizing and stuff and you’ll see the results. So here we have one. 2, 3, 4 clusters that have the “HQ Hamburg” as the first pickup stop each and the rest, the rest of the the stops here as we’ve defined
I will use these results to illustrate the merging of orders. So what I’m going to do is I select several of them and then choose the menu option merge. And you find the merge order. You see, we have the HQM book here twice because we added it as first stop before. And as soon as I click save I’m asked if I want to trash the raw data, so the original two orders that I selected for the merge and I say, yes
So they disappear. So we have a resulting order here. And maybe I want to merge these two also. And finally, just for fun, I will merge these two once again, and. Remove the “HQ Hamburg”, save, and where we arrive is another job and you see it has the exactly same number of stops because we just split it and merged it back again. The other option to split orders is: you can also split it based on zone compilations.
So depending on the zone compilations you have defined in your system you will get splitting of the order. So what would be possible is that in the zone system, zone compilations, for example, you could split up your city by, by district. And as soon as you choose to. That splitting option you would be able to split one order into all the districts that you have
By the way, if several stops not covered by one of the zone, it ends in an own job. So let’s try this. So so let’s illustrate this or trust stretch this and split this. And I’m going to delete. This and this. Save and in this case, the order will be split in two parts. So one is this and the rest let’s check. In this case, I gonna delete the original order and voila.
You see that we have these two orders here. So enjoy the power of splitting and merging orders. See you soon. Bye