Key points
- This tutorial explains the holidays feature in Lobo, which works with standing orders to manage order creation on holidays.
- Users can enter holidays into the system, preventing standing orders from being created on those dates by default.
- However, there’s an option to allow order creation on holidays if needed.
- Additionally, holidays can be treated like Sundays, ensuring standing orders are created on both Sundays and holidays.
- Define the holidays of the year
- Menu: View > System > Holidays
- Recurring orders will take the holidays into account
- Menu: View > Templates > Standing orders
There’s a small but helpful feature in Lobo called holidays which works together with the standing orders. If I move to view system holidays, I’ll find an empty list because I haven’t entered any yet. The idea is that you can enter new holidays, so for example, New Year on the first of the year, maybe the first 2019 January. Like this, Lobo knows that this day is a holiday, and in the standing orders that we find here, you can choose if a standing order should be created on holidays or not. The default is on holidays.
The standing order is not created. So let’s play with this feature a little bit. Today, we have the 23rd of December. And what I want to do is I want to have a look at the actual orders and the planned orders. You see the actress order is not here because I deleted it just a few minutes ago. So if I go back to the standing orders and I look at this, you’ve seen it’s a Monday today.
So, as soon as I click save, this standing order is created. You’ll find it here in the planned orders. It was just created based on this standing order. So what would happen? I will delete it again. So it’s gone. And to illustrate the holidays feature, I will just create a new holiday. Enter it as the 23rd special holiday, which exists only in the demonstration video, and I choose today and click save.
So what happens if I go back to the standing orders, open this order again, and click save just once again. You’ll notice that in planned orders there’s no data set. Why? Lobo has recognized that we marked this day – the 23rd of December – as a holiday. As you’ve just seen, there is also a special option that you’re able to create this standing order even if it falls on a holiday.
For example, if you have reminders or jobs that also need to be done on holidays. So as soon as I enable this, the plant order is here once again. Delete this. So back to the standing orders. I want just to comment on one last thing. Let’s assume you want to create an order, especially on holidays. So here you have an option to treat holidays like Sundays. What you could do is enable the Sunday feature and treat holidays like Sundays.
With this option, the standing order will be created on Sundays and on every holiday because the holidays are treated like Sundays. All right, so much for the holidays feature. I think as the new year is here in a few days, it’s a perfect time to set up the holidays for next year. So just look them up on some calendar, decide on which days your business is open or not, and enter them in global.
In this case, of course, for the next year. Which would be 2020. Have a nice day. Bye.