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Auto offer

6 min read

Key points

  • How to configure and use the auto offer feature
  • The auto offer feature in Lobo automatically distributes new job postings to all active couriers when a job is inputted either manually by a customer or through an API.
  • To utilize this feature, administrators must configure which products it applies to and organize couriers into dispatch groups.
  • Once activated, this feature can be managed to be either globally active or inactive and allows for immediate job assignments to couriers, enhancing the efficiency of dispatch operations.


So in this video we have a closer look on how the auto offer feature in Lobo works. What is it? The auto offer feature means that if there is a new job entered by a customer or comes in through the API, this job is offered to all couriers that are currently online or active.

So first we have to configure for which product we want to enable this auto feature. So as an admin, I switched to calculation products and here in this column, I choose that I want to use this feature for bike and car product, but not for the van product, for example. So next I need to make sure that I have organized the couriers into Dispatch groups.

So I’ve created a new dispatch group gave it a name like Velo, and I’ve assigned the different couriers to this, to this dispatch group by choosing one of this in the dropdown. So at the moment I have four couriers in the dispatch group Velo. And all four of them, I actually have five, but four of them are active indicated by the green icon here.

And finally, what I need to make sure is that I enable the auto offer feature here on the right. Which basically means that this is active now at the moment. Maybe you want to activate this only in the afternoons or only during the night. So here you can globally make it inactive or active.

I set it to active. So basically we are ready to receive new jobs. So what I’m going to do next is I switch to, Oh, maybe I switch here to the dispatch panel and I’ve I’ve configured the Dispatch panels. , or this to also show the offered orders. Okay, so here I have the open orders on the left, the dispatch orders on the right.

And I have the offered orders here on top. Okay, so that’s the pre-configuration. Now I switch to the view of the customer. So I’m in the customer role now. I logged into Lobo. And I will create a new order that goes from groupnet to some address.

Alright, and I click next. I choose the bike product. I click next. I should be express. Next, and I set my project ID here and order this shop. What we hear in the background is that the job already arrived and what we see, it automatically switched to the offered orders. So this means that it was offered to all the riders that are in, that are active.

So. Let’s have a look, a closer look. So if I click here on the dispatch and offer feature, you see that this job is automatically offered to all three groups. So to the Velo group, to the Cargo group and the Van group. So what’s next? I closed this dialog for a moment. All these riders were notified either by signal or email.

How does this work here? When you go to the users carriers and you choose a carrier example, for example, three, you can, you can check how they should be notified with the dispatch notifications, either by email or my signal. If you want to use signal, you have to configure this first, which I explained in a different video.

All right, so the courier got an email about a new job and he can check his Lobo screen and what he sees here is he has one offered job. Okay, so he opens it and he sees all the details, finds the job and he now has the option to assign this job to him. Either by this button or also. this menu here.

So as soon as the first rider accepts the job, he finds the job under my jobs like it was dispatched to him. For the dispatcher the job disappears from the offered orders and is now assigned to carrier three. We see it here. If any other rider would now click on accept, there would be a message: sorry, the job is already taken.

Okay, so the first one, first come, first serve principle works here. So the first one who accepts the job, gets the job. I mean, that’s basically it. The idea is, for example, if you have flying dispatch and all the riders are on the streets they probably know for whom this works best. Or if you have like open call strategy this is how to go with the auto offer.

Just one last configuration detail. If you go back to users couriers, you are able to configure which writers can serve which product. So back here in products you see portfolio, all available products. If you, for example, choose just Van in this case. Then for carrier four, if the new job comes in for one of a bike or cargo product, it wouldn’t be offered to him because he’s only has the one product in his portfolio.

All right, like this, you can tweak another tweak to fine tune the behavior of the other offer. is that you can set a delay for different dispatch groups. So for example, I’ll set a delay of five minutes for the cargo group, which means all the riders in the Velo group gets the new job offered immediately.

But if it’s not taken within five minutes, it will be also offered to the cargo riders. Then one last thing about out of a warning. So I switch here to system mail settings. What happens if a new job comes in and nobody takes it within a certain time, then you can set out of a warning here so you can set an email address and if the job is not taken within six minutes, you’ll get a notification to the email address that you need to take action because none of the writers accepted the job. That’s it. Thanks for watching. You soon. Bye.