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Data erasure

3 min read


  • This tutorial explains how to use the Data Erasure feature in Lobo to manage and clean up old data.
  • To remove unused data from lobo you can use the options in the data erasure module: there you can trigger data erasure actions manually or run them automatically based on an expiry interval.
  • How to reach the modul: Menu: View > System > Data erasure


Hi, and welcome to this tutorial about system cleanup, namely data ratio. You find the coding module via the menu under

View > System > Data Erasure. You have different sections, for example, Orders, Stops and so on. And in each section, you find a panel for a specific data field. In this case, the input field of the contact of the order.

So in each panel or for each data field, you can choose after which time span the corresponding data sets should be deleted. So, for example, you’ve said that all contact information that is older than year should be deleted. I’ve also checked the clean up automatically option, which means that this erasure task will be run each day automatically.

I’ve also the option to trigger this cleanup manually with this button clean up now. Let’s try this for the input field node and I want to reset all nodes that are older than one year. I click on clean up now and you see the data ratio is in progress and there were 14 datasets deleted. Let’s find the corresponding fields in the order of dialogue.

So we see contact node, delivery node, and node confidential. The contact field is this one and the node delivery node and confidential node are the three input fields here. Let’s move on to the stops. Again, we find four fields here. So I click on this tab and these are these corresponding four fields, contact note, delivery note and confidential.

In addition, we find the input field of the courier comment received by the signature and uploads. These are typically entered via the mobile interface and you know, here you can enter the courier comment, the upload photos, take the receive by and signature information. What else is covered by this system cleanup?

The suggestions you can find for each customer and actually can edit or delete manually. So these are the sign names and additional email addresses. For example, you may want to delete them after half a year if they weren’t used within this choosen time.

And the last section is the Authentication log. Here you can delete the datasets by user groups. So we differentiate between customers, carriers, assistants, and so on. For example, I can choose that Authentication log for customers. That should be automatically deleted after, I don’t know, one month, for example.

But for carriers, which are, my employees and I need their data for recording their work time. I, for example, can choose to keep these data sets for two years. Finally, I want to explain this last data field named Unknown user. Whenever somebody tries to log in with a username that’s not registered in the system, this login attempt will be also recorded.

And you might want to delete this login attempts but I recommend to keep them at least for a few days or a few weeks because they’re essential to fight against hacking attacks. Please be aware that any data that is deleted with one of these actions CAN NOT BE RESTORED. So please be cautious with the settings. Thanks for watching. Bye.