How to configure Company data?
Menu: View > Settings > Company data
- open edit dialog
- enable SEPA direct debit option
- fill in bank account details and creditor id
How to enable SEPA direct debit for customers?
Menu: View > Users > Customers
- edit the corresponding customer
- switch to “accounting” tab
- enable SEPA direct debit option
- fill in the bank account details, mandate id and signature date
How to create a booking archive?
Menu: View > Invoices > Invoice archive
- the XML export will be included in the archive
In this tutorial, we will learn how to configure Lobo for the XML export of the SEPA Direct Debit invoices. So first of all, I have to set the company data and enable the SEPA Direct Debit like in this case, and you have to fill out the IBAN of your company, the name of the bank account holder, and most importantly your credit or ID.
Actually, that allows you to withdraw money from other accounts. And you typically get this ID from your bank and what we will do next is we have to configure the customers that we want to enable this Direct Debit. So I filter after the ones that already have this enabled, or you can add it for new customers, of course, to under the accounting tab, you’ll find the SEPA Direct Debit, and you can enable the XML export.
So again, I entered that IBAN the big is optional. The name of the customer or at least of the bank account. And then you need a mandate ID. Automatically LOBO chooses the customer number, but you can choose of any other mandate ID for, for this SEPA Direct Debit. And finally, you have to set the date of the signature.
You need a confirmation that you’re allowed to withdraw the money. You click safe. After that, we quickly make an accounting. So we make approval and prepare the job. It’s here. I approve it. We go to customer accounting of today and make an invoice draft and create invoice at 35.99. and finally we have the invoice here.
And we can make an invoice archive. So whenever you create an invoice archive, you will find in the zip file, I will extract it, you will find this XML export. So in the next step, we want to upload this to the online banking. So I switched to my online banking of course, this looks different in your case probably, but the process should be more or less the same with all the banks. So you can import an XML data for the SEPA direct debit, and I choose the one that we just downloaded.
And here I select the XML export. I open it and I can import this data. And as you see the import was successful. And typically I would confirm this. But in my case I will delete this data set. So thanks for watching. See you soon. Bye.