Whats new?
- Pre-booking and time windows in CUPO
- Order templates in CUPO
- Invoice Conditions
- “Free Couriers” in the DispatchPanels
the new Lobo version 8.39 is out and I want to show you what’s new. In the favorites, the customers can now pre-book orders. Let’s choose one of the favorites and select a date, for example, tomorrow. And now for every order. For each stop, I can choose a pickup time maybe this one, and a drop of time.
Let’s choose this one. And as soon as you click order. This orders our dispatch panels, and you see that the according time windows are here. This also works for time dependent time models. Let’s choose another favorite and switch to this product. And in the case of time dependent models, you can see here that you can choose to pick up and drop off time.
We need to change to tomorrow because today is Sunday. It’s not available. And you choose one of the time windows at the stops have accordingly, these time windows, but in this case, read only. And again, we can choose this order. Let’s check our dispatch panels. And you see, this one is also here for Monday.
Let’s come to the next feature. As you know, for each customer, you can define order templates. In this case, we have this HZ Richter order and you might have noticed in cupo there you find this tab called templates and in this tab you find all the order templates of the customer. And what is important here, it includes the fixed pricing.
So let’s have a look again here and check. And here I’ve set manually the price to 20 euros, which makes 24 euros including VAT. And in this case, you see, that’s exactly the pricing we try to order. It’s not available on Sunday. So I switch to tomorrow and order this job again. It’s here and the plant orders.
And of course it has the right pricing. This might be pretty interesting if you want to configure Cupo that the customer can only order these templates. So how can I achieve that? I will tweak a little bit. Let’s jump directly to the customer account. In this case, well, actually you could set up this in the global options for all customers.
But in my case, I only want this customer to be restricted to the templates. So I disable all the other favorite tabs and I will also hide the new order page and click save. And as soon as I reload Cupo you see that this customer is only able to order any of this fixed price templates. Not only Cupo, but also the dispatch panels have improved.
Let’s have a look. If I go back to dispatch panels, maybe to the ones for today, you will find improved filter options. And from now on, you can also filter after the carriers, by the way, this is also available if you dispatch a job. So if I enter four, I can switch this job to carrier four. And you also find a new module which is called “Free couriers”.
And if you enable it – let’s restyle it a little bit- you find the list of free carriers and you can configure your dispatch panels to see them right here. You will find also lots of other small improvements. For example, if I change the lead time to a negative value. I now have to confirm that I really want this order to show up after it should be picked up.
And also in the accounting section, we have a really cool new feature, namely the invoice conditions. So if I switch to calculation invoice conditions, you’re now able to set up conditions. And if they hold true, you could add surcharge or give a discount for certain customer groups, depending on the invoice totals, the total amount of the invoice.
In this case, for all invoices that are over a thousand euros the customer group that gets a discount of 3%. You find more details on how to configure this in a separate video. There’s also small improvement in the calculation base. Here you can now round not only the total amount for the customer but optionally also round the total courier interest including VAT.
More details about the rounding are in the info boxes. Well, these are the most important features. We hope they further boost your efficiency. Thanks for watching.