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Import/export order

2 min read


  • You can export existing stops of an order to various spreadsheet formats (XLSX, XLS, CSV) or import stops to create new orders based on spreadsheets data.
  • For the import the spreadsheet needs to contain pre-defined columns. A well-formed template can be either download by exporting an existing order or the via the template-option.
  • The following video explains the details of importing and exporting stops


How to import and export stops to an order? I switch to actual orders and take this example. I open the order dialog and here on the bottom of the stop box, you find this button. With this button, you can export. So download the stops of these orders. So I choose Excel and I will open it with LibreOffice.

And what we can find here are all the columns that are necessary to export this job. I gonna save this spreadsheet under documents. And to demonstrate how an import would work, I take the same order and now choose the same file that I’ve just exported, which can be found in documents. So that’s the Excel I’ve just exported.

And if I do import these jobs, you see the same stops again in this order. I click save. So if you want to provide your customer an empty template of this spreadsheet that they can fill in with their data. You also have the option, for example, if you create a new order, you can click on this button again, and you can download an empty template.

I recommend xlsx as format that contains all currently supported import columns. So maybe I quickly fill in an example. So basically I filled in these two addresses and I added a public note for this first stop and an inhouse note and we’ll save this once again. And of course you could send such an example to your customer and ask them to fill it in.

And as soon as they send it back, you again click, open a new order, click on this button, choose to upload a file. And I will import this file and have these stops with the corresponding notes. Need to select the customer and can save it. These are the essentials. If you have any further questions, don’t hesitate to ask. Bye.