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Add custom addresses manually

1 min read

In this video we explain:

  1. how to add a address that is not found
  2. and how to add “virtual” addresses, like the back entrance of a hotel


How to manually add new addresses?

I go over to the actual orders and make a new order. And as you know if you enter address Lobo typically finds, it adds the GEO code and so on. But what it happens if I enter address that is not known to Lobo. So I want to add this address and Lobo can’t find any matching results.

So what I can do is I can choose an address that’s nearby and switch to manual input. Like this, actually, I wanted to add the trust number 54. So I changed this a number, but what I also need to do is that I have to pick on a map where this addresses. So you can either look it up on some other website, or you know, where it is.

So let’s say this address is here. So whenever I change the pointer here, you see that the position of the stop changes in this dialogue. So as soon as I have entered this address Lobo knows this address. And as soon as you try to look it up the next time, you see that it already is in the system and Lobo knows where it is.

This feature is also very helpful if you, for example, want to add a virtual address. Let’s assume at this place is a hotel and, and let’s do this once again, it finds this nearest address. And I, again, I will switch to manual input and put the 54 here and something like “entrance”. Okay. So maybe that’s where, you know, we need to drop off things.

So what you can do is that you now on a map say, okay, I know that’s 54, but I need to enter the building here. Okay. So with this addition, you make a virtual address and you could even name this. Let’s assume that there is a hotel and it’s called hotel Europe. Then you will find you, you see, it’s, it’s actually some distance from our two addresses, because I guess the routing is around the building.

So let’s enter this job and have a look on the map. Yeah, so this is the official address and this is the entrance. I guess you see what’s the point here, from now on whenever you look for the Hotel Europe then Lobo will automatically choose the routing according to this special entrance.

All right, so thanks for watching see you soon. Bye