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Release v18.12

3 min read

Whats new?

  • → Payment import wizard
  • CUPO profile page
  • DispatchPanels:
    • Global search (over all panels)
    • Filter couriers
    • Map view of each couriers’ jobs
    • Record who set the visited flag
  • Transcribed all tutorial videos of this website 😎


Hello, in this video, I want to show you what’s new in version 18. 12. If you’re wondering why the major release number jumped from 9 to 18. Yeah, actually it’s because we’ve decided that the major release number should represent the age of Lobo. And yes, it’s true. Lobo is already 18 years on the market.

So let’s see what’s new. The most important change is that for invoices, we have implemented an import wizard that allows you to semi automatically set the payment dates of the invoices. How this works is covered in another video, so we will skip the details.

What else is new in the customer portal? We now have a profile page and in this profile page the customer can see his own details and can change their password. Also in the dispatch panels we have many new features. So first of all we have a global filtering that covers all dispatch panels. You now can also search for couriers and in the “orders today”, we added a carrier column for a better overview.

Back to the dispatch panels, to the “dispatched orders”, we will also find this map icon that shows all jobs of the courier that are, that are currently dispatched to him. So actually it shows the same map that the couriers can access. themselves.

Also on the feature request list was that whenever a stop is flagged as visited that Lobo records which courier set this flag.

So in the background I’m on my mobile and I will set the visited flag. And as you can see I’m carrier “three” on the mobile. This is especially helpful if you hand over a sending. So for example, if I dispatch that to carrier five, now I can look up who did the pickup

For the “one-liner template” that can be defined in global options. You can now see the surcharges directly in the order like here, this “ABC” tag for the “ABC” surcharge and there are much more small improvements. For example, when you have credits, it’s now easier to cancel them, to delete them.

Besides all the improvements and bug fixes we’ve invested also much time in improving our documentation. So on the docs.lobo.at, we have transcribed every single video. So for example, let’s choose “Configure CUPO”. And what you find here is as soon as you start

“Hello, in this video, I want to show you how…”

You see that you have transcription and you can also search through the transcription. And for example, if you find the keyword, you can click on the chapter and the video will directly jump to that position and continue there:

“…templates. In the global options, you can now configure…”

The transcription also allows better full text search. For example if you’re looking for display time you will be redirected to the right page. And again, you can search a transcript for the relevant part. So we hope that these transcriptions save a lot of time when looking up something in the docs.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us. See you again soon. Bye